Henry Schrage Citizenship Papers



Henry Schrage Citizenship Papers


A photocopy of Henry Schrage’s Citizenship Papers from 1890. Henry Schrage founded the Bank of Whiting in April of 1895.


November 1, 1890




Henry Schrage

Original Format



No. 1062

The State of Indiana, Lake County, ss:

Henry Schrage an alien and free white person, in order to become A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES, makes the following report of himself, to-wit:

That his name is Henry Schrage that he was born in Germany that he is 46 years of age; that he is of the German nation; that he migrated from Bremen and arrived in the United States on the 15 day of June 1854; that he intends settling in the United States, and that he owes allegiance to Emperor William

And the said Henry Schrage now declares, an oath, before the Clerk of the Lake Circuit Court, that it is, bona fide, his intention to become A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign Prince, Potenate, State or Sovereignty whatever, and particularly to Emperor William whereof he is at present a subject, and that the matters and things set forth in this, his declaration of intention, are true.

Signed: Henry Schrage

Made, sworn to and subscribed before the Clerk aforesaid, on the 1st day of November in the year 1890 Geo T. Maillet clerk

The State of Indiana, Lake County, ss:

I, Geo T. Maillet Clerk of the Lake Circuit Court, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the declaration of intention of Henry Schrage to become a citizen of the United States, now on file in my office.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affix the seal of said Court, and subscribe my name at Crown Point this 1st day of November 1890

Geo T. Maillet Clerk.